TV2000 launches the Play2000 app, information and content at everyone’s fingertips. Available from January 24, the feast day of the patron saint of journalists, the new platform for smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and PCs allows a 360-degree multimedia experience of all videos, audios, and podcasts.

New OTT for Tv2000

The Italian Episcopal Conference broadcaster, TV2000, introduces the Play2000 App, an (OTT) platform designed to be simple, intuitive, and free, accessible on smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, and PCs.

“In ogni luogo” is the chosen slogan for the promotional launch of this new tool.

For the development of the TV2000 App, they enlisted the expertise of, an Italian high-tech service and consulting company with whom the entire process of conception, design, and implementation was shared.

Streaming of content is always possible, even in conditions of low connectivity and on any device. This makes Play2000 accessible to everyone, everywhere. Live content, in real-time, allows users to follow the daily programming of TV2000 minute by minute. The on-demand video playlist makes it easy to manage and retrieve (through a simple search function) previously broadcasted content. The podcast gallery, produced by Radio inBlu2000, represents an innovative space that allows users to freely enjoy radio content, listening to it whenever they want.

Innovative Solutions From a technical perspective, Play2000 introduces some modern and innovative solutions:

  • The video player ensures constant content availability, even in conditions of poor connectivity, ensuring uninterrupted viewing without buffering.
  • High-resolution videos: in multi-bitrate (allowing access to content of suitable quality for the speed of one’s internet connection), and adaptive mode offer the best possible viewing experience.

Play2000 – as explained to Sir by the CEO of TV2000 and inBlu2000, Massimo Porfiri – has features that focus heavily on the concept of usability. The app is simple, intuitive, and responsive to user needs. A project developed together with the company, which we thank for its high professionalism.

One of the design choices made is to use a language now quite widespread among OTT platforms, with immediately perceivable distinctions between sections for live content, on-demand videos, and podcasts.”

The platform offer podcats

For this last type of multimedia content, many variations are offered: podcasts are a strength of Play2000 . Can bring the app even closer to the community, which can have fun, delve deeper, and stay informed on the go.

It is an investment with an eye to the future by service to the Church and Italian society.

The Italian Episcopal Conference has supported and encouraged us even in this project that projects our broadcasters, increasingly competitive, into the Italian radio-television landscape.

The app aims to make users even more engaged with its entertainment and information offerings, opening new spaces for original and exclusive content. It is an important, loyal, and innovative digital hub that seeks to reinterpret the traditional proposal of TV2000 and inBlu2000. With new codes, languages, and words.